Tonight, the 14th European Youth Olympics began with the opening ceremony at ETO Park. For the first time in its history, athletes themselves could enjoy every second of the spectacular programme as they were not entering the stadium from outside after the show, but were sitting on the grandstand. The best athletes coming from fifty countries are competing for six days, comparing their skills in ten different sports. EYOF, as it is also mentioned in its name, is not just a sporting event, but a festival as well, so the inhabitants of Győr are prepared to give a taste of their culture, values and hospitality each and every day during the festival. The program starts with tennis and swimming on Monday morning.
Cikkünk frissítése óta eltelt 7 év, a szövegben szereplő információk a megjelenéskor pontosak voltak, de mára elavulhattak.
Oxygen Media Híradó 2024.11.27.
Mutatjuk a mai műsort és annak témáit: Közmeghallgatást és közgyűlést is tartanak csütörtökön Győrben.
Kifogásolt a levegő minősége a szálló por miatt Győrben.
Tizennégy illegális szoftver, engedély...